Black Rebel Nomads

Creative Development Through Cultural Exchange

Make an Impact: Help Us Send Two Students to Bali

You’ve seen our adventures as we skated through the Manila streets with our Nomad, Dorien Harris. You’ve watched the beauty of Bangkok through the perspective of our Nomad, Octavia Cooper. Now we want you to join us on another journey as we send two new students overseas to Bali.

Black Rebel Nomads have devoted our mission to expanding travel opportunities and creative development for student artists. We do so through the generosity of our board and from passionate donors like you!

Our Goal? To raise $8000 in 90 days!

We believe we can do it with your help! All you need to do is click the link below and get to know more of our story and our intent. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from Dorien and Octavia directly as they share their experience. Help us by making a monetary or in kind donation. We have different sponsorship levels available to show our appreciation.

Sponsorship levels:

  1. Rebel Level. Gifts of $100 or more will be mentioned as Rebel Sponsors on our website. We are grateful to all the Rebels out there!
  2. Leadership Level. Gifts of $500 or more help Nomad’s become leaders. These supporters will receive personalized updates from our nomads through their journey as travelers, mentors and teachers.
  3. Nomad Wings Level. Gifts of $1000 or more give Nomad’s wings! These sponsors are invited to our BRN Bon Voyage Dinner to meet the Nomads and dine together.